About Me

Hi there! How kind of you to come to my site! Allow me to introduce myself!

My name is Kaelme (pronounced Kay-Lum, which I intend to explain everywhere here in case some one randomly shows up on any old page on the site!) I grew up in Calgary, AB Canada and attended the University of British Columbia for my Bachelor's in Biology. Now I'm taking the Online Masters of Analytics at Georgia Tech.

I was looking for a hub to express as many facets of myself as possible, and decided on this site! Since I can put whatever I like here. I enjoy singing, dancing, coding, science, spirituality, and writing and so much more!

I have a dream of performing at Eurovision one day for whatever reason, just to see what it'd be like. (It worked for Céline Dion! Before she was Céline Dion)

This blog is evolving as time goes on, but if there's one thing it is, it's honest. There's no content comprising for perfect pretty people, which is all fine and dandy, but it's not what you'll see here. I'm interested in curating something more real, which highlights some of the unexamined potions of life.

If I'm ever not around, and you want to spend time with me, you can read an excerpt and be transported to a piece of my mind.

Occasionally, I'll link a Tiktok in my signature, of me singing, which matches the blog! You'll get to me much more as time passes! There's always something new on my mind.

If you like what I do, consider supporting me on Ko-fi, to buy an artisanal croissant, or support my adventures!