Q. How do I get notified when you make a new blog post?

A. Currently, the best way to do so is to subscribe to my Ko-fi page. I update there whenever I post as well, and you can choose to turn email notifications on. You can also follow my Instagram stories.

I'd really love to do email marketing some time, but until my blog grows, we don't have the bandwidth. You could always support me on Ko-fi to make that day come sooner!

Q. Why do you go by Kaelme?

A. It's a secret! Shh... I understand that's not very satisfying, but all will be revealed in due time.

Q. Why not spell you name Kaylum for real, or at least something that would match the pronunciation? Like Kalem.

A. Because I was given the name and pronunciation as is, felt I shouldn't tamper with it, and honestly have grown fond of it. But yes I am very aware that the spelling and pronunciation make virtually no sense in any language, including Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, or Irish, and you kinda just have to get used to it.

Q. What does Khamael of Netzach mean?

A. It's a reference to Khamael, the Archangel who rules Geburah, associated with Mars, and Netzach which is associated with Venus. Those are Sephira on the Tree of Life. 

So imagine a masculine entity taking on a feminine energy, in a balanced and natural way. I feel like combining the two fits my personality, at least when I'm at my best. I would describe myself as someone expressing a masculine femininity. The way only a twink boy can ;)

Since I was given the name Kaelme, seeing the name Khamael suddenly made things click... So I guess Khamael will be the only other thing I'll go by. Like Michael, but Geburah. Just no camel jokes please.

Q. Do you still feel *insert feeling here*?

A. Probably not. The writing process is very cathartic and healing. Plus I'm constantly working on myself, One of the ideas of the blog is to bring language to the less savory parts of the psyche that often get swept under the rug. Hopefully someone else can relate and find it refreshing. I know that's what I've wanted in my journey, which is difficult when we only show the highlight reel.

Q. Why are so many of your recipes vegan if you're not vegan yourself?

A. Well I've been vegan (accidentally, for some time,) and sometimes go on and off. I know it can be a bit of an imposition for some people to ask. Also, vegan food often costs extra. So when it came to potlucks or gatherings, I was asked to make a couple vegan treats to save money. Thus, I ended up getting versed in the area and can make vegan treats that also don't suck! Very important!

 Q. Do you actually spend that much money on artisanal croissants?

A. No, I just think they're cool and it's a fun bit. I do love pastries though.