Gluten-Free Flour

Gluten-Free Flour

The internet doesn't agree on how to make gluten free flour! Seriously, everywhere you go there are different recipes for this and that. So you know what, here's mine! I like mine because it's simple to make.



908g White Rice Flour
454g Potato Starch
454g Tapioca Starch
45g of Psyllium Husk (A bit more than 1/3 cup)
Hefty Pinch of Salt
2 tbsp baking powder (optional, to help things rise)


You know what's the best part of this recipe? Typically you can buy flours in these measurements! Usually it's two bags of rice flour, one bag of potato starch, and one bag of tapioca starch. So it's a 2:1:1 ratio. Super simple.

You can also add half or 2/3 of the tapioca starch if you think it adds too strong a flavour. You could use brown rice flour instead if you don't mind measuring.

Why psyllium husk? Because it's easier for me to get than xantham gum, much cheaper, and lower maintenance. Typically you would use 2x volume psyllium husk in instead of xantham gum. Psyllium husk does have different temperature stabilities than xantham gum. So you can't substitute it all the time, but it's an option. I do also tend to take out a smidge of whatever a recipe calls for, to add corn starch, (like 8-10%, by weight) so keep that in mind. Feel free to add a little extra pysllum husk if you want a spongier baked good!

Whenever you make cakes you're told not to overmix to avoid gluten development and ensure a soft cake. Obviously, you don't have this problem with gluten-free flour! Instead, rice flour tends to clump, so mixing thoroughly, even on high, is what you often want to do, to make sure everything is fully incorporated. Happy Baking!

Blissfully yours,

Kaelme (Kay-Lum)


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